School Health Office, Pine Hill Schools, Phone: 505.775.3242 ext. 2129
School Cafeteria, Pine Hill Schools, Phone: 505.775.3242 ext. 2200
School Health Available Documents
School Health Office
Provide basic quality health care to all students of Pine Hill Schools K-12 grades. Student safety is the number one priority in our school, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to impact our way of living emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The school nurse or health assistant will assist school students during times of illness, injury, health screenings, encouraging required vaccinations, medication administration (if needed), and with mental health guidance to help students become healthy while attending school, improving overall student well-being.
Parent/Guardian & Student Message Grades K-12:
Keep all students safe, prevent debilitating illnesses, seek a well-balanced life-style, and incorporate a healthy way of living. Each student will come to school healthy, will learn to be productive, grow with confidence, and become mentally prepared to live in balance and harmony.
Student Health Office Requirements:
- Updated Immunization Record
- COVID-19 Vaccination for 5 years and older is preferred
- Stay home if sick or feeling ill- test for COVID-19
- Stay vaccinated with COVID-19, Flu & RSV vaccine
- Yearly FLU shot during the fall season
- Participation in health screenings
FLU Shot Clinic Info:
Flu Vaccines are recommended for all individuals. The following people are at high risk of getting the flu and should definitely be vaccinated to reduce the risk of serious health complications:
- Adults 65+ years old
- Children younger than 2 years old
- Anyone with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, blood disorders, or rheumatoid arthritis
- Patients who regularly take an immunosuppressant drug such as prednisone or methotrexate
- People who live in nursing homes or long-term care facilities
- Pregnant women
- Healthcare workers
You should not get the flu vaccine if you have:
- Severe reactions to a flu vaccine in the past
- Developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome from a previous flu vaccination
Questions? Call: 505-775-3271
Welcome back students of Pine Hill Schools SY2024-25!
Note: Face masks will be optional this school year. Please stay home if you are sick or not feeling well in order to prevent the spread of illness to other students and school staff.
Make sure to have all list of contacts updated with out school registrar, including phones numbers, in case of any emergencies. Thank you!
Lets continue to be healthy and thrive for a successful school year!
Student Wellness Policy
**Refer to Pages 18-24 in Pine HIll Schools Student/Parent Handbook**
Enhance Nutrition Promotion: The school will improve and maintain the nutritional quality of foods and beverage provided by food services in the following manner:
School Meals: meals served a the school through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs adhere to strict national and state nutrition guidelines. (
No Caffeine Consumption allowed by students during school hours
Enhance Non-Food Service Nutrition Promotion
Community Eligibility Program (CEP), Healthy, Hunger-Free Act of 2010
Summer Food Service Program
Mealtimes and Scheduling
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Plan
Compliance with Child Nutrition Act 2004
Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistant Act {42 USC$ 11432(g) (3) (C)}
Core Messages:
-All students deserve an opportunity to be healthy and successful
-Students play a crucial role in what they eat and how active they are
-Providing students with healthy food options and opportunities to be physically active throughout the school day to help them to be healthier and become better learners
-Students who are physically active and eat healthy foods are more likely to be focused in the classroom, earn better grades and test scores and attend and complete school
-Healthy and successful students are a part of the foundation of a strong community
-Students will create lifelong healthy habits and become better prepared to learn and grow